The « mass lynching » in Gaza – Le « lynchage de masse » de Gaza

by  Charles ‘Chas’ W. Freeman Jr. who was former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabiapar Charles « Chas » W. Freeman Jr. qui était l’ancien ambassadeur des États-Unis en Arabie saoudite.

“So I think this is a moment in which the Israelis have made a huge mistake. Because, you know, the question they used to pose was, « Does Israel have a right to exist ? Which is a rather strange question, beecause it does exist.
I don’t know other countries that run around asking whether they have a right to exist.

But I think the question is being replaced now in much of the world by, « Does Israel deserve to exist ? »

Can the world really maintain normal relations with a country that behaves in utter disregard of international law and in a completely inhumane fashion ?

I mean, the basic argument for supporting Israel has been, first, we share values. Well, Israel is demonstrating the values of the Ku Klux Klan. And I don’t share those vaules.

And second, I mean, basically what’s going on in Gaza is a mass lynching. It is totally extrajudicial, illegal and brutal and utterly inhumane.

And the second reason is supposedly that Israel is a strategic asset. But I have never heard anyone describe what it does for us other than get us in trouble. “

Source :

note : The above version in French is a non official version translation by Michele de Gastyne

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